

"Awaken Your Spirit, Elevate Your Life"

KUNDALINI (Shakti), is your inner power. It is already in you but in a dormant state. It can be activated with virtual or in-person Shaktipat (Initiation) sessions.
There is no magic or quick formula to achieve enlightenment, you have to work for it.

- Aacharya Kamlesh

Individual Session

One To One Shaktipat Session Over ZOOM (Video Conferencing) With Guruji.

Group Session

A Group Of More Than 10 People in a Shaktipat Session Over ZOOM (Video Conferencing)


Aacharya Kamlesh is a renowned spiritual master, psychologist, and life coach. He spent his formative years—20 years—in the Himalayas, where he studied under his Guru, a disciple of Mahavtar Babaji. Aacharya Kamlesh was instructed to help others unlock their highest potential and attain enlightenment by awakening their kundalini shakti through the transformative process of shaktipat. He returned and establisged SAMBODHI AASHRAM. Shaktipat is the transmission of spiritual energy from one person to another, or directly from a deity. This sacred process can occur through a word or mantra, as well as through a glance, thought, or touch, often directed to the ajna chakra (third eye) of the recipient. With his deep spiritual insight and extensive experience, Aacharya Kamlesh guides individuals on their journey to spiritual awakening, empowering them to embrace a higher state of consciousness and fulfill their true potential.


Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

Founded & Developed With Love


A Home To Meditators, Spiritual Seekers & Learners.

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We Conduct Free Shaktipat Sessions On The Day Of Full Moon, Once in A Month Over ZOOM (Video Conferencing).

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